Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Share your opinion by posting your comments on BeReadyEU!

Europe HOpes supports youth EU citizens involvement on all European debates. Our association wants to hear what you have to say regarding the most current EU debates that affects all of us.

In a moment of tremendous changes in Europe and with new challenges arising, Europe HOpes believes that it's time to promote the dialogue and discussion of EU issues at the European level by starting to listen what you have to say on these matters.

By simply posting comments on our blog, give us your opinion on the most recent events that marked 2016: Martin Schulz is leaving Brussels, the impact of Brexit on the EU project, how Trump's administration will shape the EU-US relation, the increase of the rise of far-right in Europe, the urgent need of a EU security and defence cooperation, the position of the EU on the refugee flux, the role of the EU as a key member on foreign affairs, the economic changes requested in Europe, or the new european envirnoment ambitions drawned. How do all these issues have been seen by the young EU citizens?

If you are acquainted with the most relevant EU debates and feel inspired to share your opinion on the new European path for 2017 with us, please feel welcome to post your comments on BeReady4EU blog.

One month, two countries and dozens of young EU citizens...

October was a great month for Europe HOpes! As a European young association born from the desire to live fully Europe, that aims to bring the EU citizens closer to Europe and its debates, Europe HOpes was very proud for its involvement and participation in two Europeans events.

Catania, the Italian city where Europe HOpes' project was born two years ago, welcomed on the first week of October 60 younsters coming from four different Europeans countries with its cooperation on the project MEDEUYM. Europe HOpes had the pleasure to cooperate and participate on this amazing international seminar granted within KA3 of the Erasmus Programme.

Just one week later, Europe HOpes travelled to Murcia, Spain, taking three young Italians citizens to participate in the training course "Step out of your mind". This projet for youth workers from Spain, Italy, Poland, Bulgaria and Romania; and developped by the spanish association PRIORISE, was granted within the Erasmus+ (KA1).

Cooperation and Partnership are key words for Europe HOpes. Our association is always looking for projects to join synergies with others organizatins; as well as, willing to welcome young citizens passionate about EU debates to its activities.

You can have a peek on these events and Europe HOpes participations on our social media channels. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

As a EU citizen, Give us your Opinion on the U.S. Elections 2016!

The U.S. Presidential elections came to an end and the Republican Donald Trump is the next resident of the White House. A stunning victory for a candidate seen by so many as an unlikely person to win the U.S. Commander-in-chief job position. But, what does it really mean for the EU-U.S. relation?

Being a major actor on the EU project since the beginning, historically, the U.S.A. has been the EU major ally and supporter. And even some say that history has shown us that the EU had had better relations and deals with Democrats Presidents than with Republican ones, nevertheless, in the pass the leaders of the most powerful nation in the world always had good relationship with the EU. But this can change, now!

For the first time in History, an American President, back then as a Presidential Candidate, expressed an unusual opinion on the EU by saying publicly that a EU member-state would be better withdrawing from the EU, as Trump controversially expressed on Brexit yearly this year. Will this unlikely position from an U.S. President shake the good relationship between the EU and U.S. that we are use to?

In the near future how will EU leaders deal with a President that while campaigning for the Presidency expressed so many grotesque remarks in highly offensive speech tone, totally against to the EU values? The EU stands for values that we haven't seen or heard from Trump so far. Will the new job position ease up the next U.S. President's tone on issues that are so valuable for Europeans?

If you are acquainted with the EU-U.S. relation and feel inspired to share with us your opinion as a EU citizen, please feel welcome to give us your comments on this blog. 

Europe HOpes!