European Parliament constantly tackles the problematic of development
and poverty worldwide. Proof of this is the existence of the
Committee on Development (DEVE) between the 20 committees that are
permanents in this institution. These structures are of particular
importance in the legislative work of the EP and also maintain
relationships with other actors involved in the issues analyzed, as
for example the UN, and with other EU institutions, as the European
For its last meeting, on November 3rd, DEVE has included
some issues of major concern for public opinion and governments such
as the humanitarian crises of Ebola and the Syrian refugees.
initiative, with significant impact on the development agendas that
is being discussed within this committee is the post-2015 Development
Agenda. This global initiative is a continuation of the so-called
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), human development goals agreed
in the year 2000 between the Member States of the UN to be achieved
by 2015.
The European Union is a significant player in the current
negotiation on the new objectives that need to be identified after
the analysis of the achievements of the MDGs and the challenges that
still remain in many countries. The DEVE Committee will analyse a
report that contains the main EU priorities for these new development
goals. The aim is to establish a coherent and consistent EU position
in the negotiations of the Agenda-post 2015. The European Commission
Communication called "Decent Life for All", later adopted
by the Council and the EP, has defined the vision and principles of
the EU about the post-2015 Agenda. The final position of the EU shall
be adopted by the council in December 2014.
the 1st to the 12th of December 2014, the UN Climate Change
Conference will be held in Lima, Peru. This conference aims to be the
agreement that replaces the Kyoto protocol and that addresses again
the issue of emissions (and their reduction) of the greenhouse gases.
DEVE will vote at the meeting of November 3rd the adoption of a
motion for a resolution on the conference. In this document, the
committee outlines the opportunity to address the climate change
phenomenon and the need to relate this problem with the post-2015
agenda. This resolution also emphasizes the seriousness of the
consequences of the climate change and exposes the weakness of the
international response to this current challenge.
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