Wednesday, 19 November 2014

How the labor market will respond to the creation of more jobs that require higher qualifications by 2020

by Simona Rusu Beschia

The Committee on Employment and Social Affairs invited the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) at its meeting, of November the 4th, to address some of the employability issues, within the framework of a mandate formulated by a newly appointed employment committee.

CEDEFOP Director, James Calleja, gave an overview about how the Agency was established, how its role in providing vocational training evolved through years and more importantly, how its current and future activities are structured to address the needs to develop skills for jobs that will be increasingly demanding between now and 2020.

The presentation recognized CEDFOP success in creating and putting in place a number of European tools, namely: the European Qualifications Framework, the Europass, the European Qualification Framework, and the European Credit System for VET

A special plea was launched to encourage the Member States to use these tools on a larger scale, emphasizing the benefits that will result from their implementation:
  • Better transparency of qualifications’ analysis and recognition between the EU members,
  • More accessibility to training,
  • Increased mobility, internally and across Member States.
When reviewing the core of CEDEFOP’s work, it was highlighted that not only the access to the labor market is an element of major importance, but also the employability. Careers and transition, transferable skills, are areas mentioned as part of the bigger perspective of “Life Long Learning “that will result in helping people stay longer employed.

It was also noted that the main underlying element for both, employment and employability provisions, remains the labor market trends. The Green Employment Initiative offers a perfect illustration of how a specific sector, so critical to Europe’s economic recovery, will increase the job creation potential along with the demand for training to secure adapted skills and qualifications.

In the context of youth employment and young people’s transition to work, CEDEFOP is investing a lot of efforts towards apprenticeship type work-based learning. A special program was lunched to analyze the Costs and Benefits of Apprenticeships, particularly for SME’s. As a result of this initiative, an important message was formulated and sent to SMEs: “The more SMEs train, the more they benefit from it”

At the end of the presentation CEDFOP’s Director stressed the importance of understanding VET’s transformational role in economy with these words: If VET is strong the unemployment is low”

As well, he expressed the desire to work in closer relationship and in a more integrated approach, with EU and EP.

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